# Charl Cronje

Published 2023-08-03

# Skills Matrix

In each section the competency range from 1 Understands to 5 being Expert

I did not list all the things like Angular or React or Vue when it comes to JavaScript, and I'm not mentioning all frameworks like Laravel or Yii or Cake PHP etc. When it comes to PHP, or Bootstrap or Sass etc. When is comes to CSS, I don't believe that being able to implement a framework is a skill but that if you know JavaScript it is implied that it includes all frameworks and if you are competent in PHP it implies all frameworks. I do always stay on top of all new tech so I'm sure I've worked in most of the popular frameworks or at least experimented with them and those I haven't are always fun to pick up.

# Programming, Scripting & Layout Languages

Language / Skill Years Exp Competency
- Prompt Engineering 1 Year 5
- LLM's (Large Language Models) 2 Years 4
- Embeddings 1 Year 4
- Chat Bots 2 Years 4
ANDROID 4 Years 5
- Kotlin 2 Years 4
- Java 4 Years 4
BASH 15 Years 5
- newt Whiptail 2 Years 5
C# 3 Years 4
C++ 2 Years 3
- Bootstrap 8 Years 5
- Bulma 1 Year 4
- Foundation 6 Years 5
- Less 5 Years 5
- Material Design 5 Years 5
- Materialize 5 Years 5
- Sass 6 Years 6
- Semantic UI 2 Years 4
- Skeleton 1 Years 4
- Tailwind CSS 2 Years 5
- UIkit 2 Years 5
- UNOCSS 1 Years 4
- AWS 2 Years 4
- Google API, Workspace, Cloud 5 Years 4
- Miscrosoft Azure, Office 360 3 Years 4
- Docker 5 Years 5
- Rancher 1 Years 5
- Portainer 1 Years 5
- Podman 1 Years 5
- Kubernetes 2 Years 4
DATABASE 19 Years 5
- MariaDB 10 Years 5
- MongoDB 3 Years 4
- DynamoDB 3 Years 4
- MSSQL 10 Years 5
- MySQL 19 Years 5
- PostgreSQL 6 Years 5
- Sybase 2 Years 4
- Firebase 2 Years 4
DELPHI 5 Years 5
- Embedded 6 Years 5
- For PHP 2 Years 5
- Rad Studio 6 Years 5
- Desktop Software 13 Years 5
FLASH 3 Years 5
- ActionScript 2 6 Years 5
- ActionScript 3 3 Years 5
- Flex 3 Years 5
Flutter .5 Years 1
HTML 19 Years 5
- HTML 2 17 Years 5
- HTML 3 15 Years 5
- HTML 4 13 Years 5
- XHTML 12 Years 5
- HTML5 8 Years 5
Java 4 Years 4
Kotlin 3 Years 4
- React, Redux, Next.js 2 Years 4
- Vue.js, Veux / Pinia, Nuxt.js 3 Years 5
- Quasar, Electron, Cordova 1 Year 4
- Node.js, Express.js, Socket.io 8 Years 5
Pascal 5 Years 5
Perl 4 Years 5
PHP 19 Years 5
- Laravel 8 Years 5
- Yii 1 Years 4
- CodeIgniter 1 Years 4
- CakePHP 2 Years 4
- Symfony 4 Years 5
Python 3 Years 3
R 1 Year 2
Unity 3D 3 Years 5
Unreal Engine 1 Year 3
XML / WSDL / DTD 4 Years 5